You don’t have to be skilled in the kitchen to whip up this delicious Chinese chicken fried rice. Consisting of only four ingredients, chicken, rice, soy sauce, and onions, this recipe is a snap and absolutely delicious.
Chinese Chicken Fried Rice
2 cups of white rice
1/2 cup of soy sauce (you may have to adjust this amount, depending on how salty the soy sauce is)
1 boneless and skinless breast of chicken
2 medium onions
3/4 cup vegetable oil (for frying the onions)
Pour 5 cups of water in a large pot. When it boils, add the rice. Stir the rice around for 1 minute. Bring to a boil, then stir it again. Turn the heat down and let it cook for 20 minutes.
Wash the chicken. Fill a medium saucepan with water and place the chicken in it. Boil the chicken until it is cooked.
Drain the chicken in a small colander and set it aside.
Peel and chop the onions into small moons. Wash and drain. Pour the oil into a pan and fry the onions until golden-brown.
Cut the chicken into thin 1/2 inch strips. The chicken shown here wasn't cut thin enough. Add the chicken to the onions, and stir together until the chicken becomes golden brown.
Add the chicken and onions (with the oil they were fried in), to the rice and mix well. Add the soy sauce and continue to stir. Taste the rice to determine if you should add more soy sauce.
This looks seriosly delish , i am going to try this later on today inshaAllah.