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Flower Bouquet Pull-Apart Cupcake Cake

What's better than a bouquet of flowers? You guessed it, an EDIBLE bouquet of flowers, with each petal tasting better than the last. Even the stems and leaves are edible! Genius, right? Well, don't give me all the credit. The real person to be thanked here is the creator of pull-apart cupcake cakes. He or she is the brains behind all of this. I'm just the one jocking the idea.

I was really looking forward to telling you guys that I made these cupcakes from scratch, but unfortunately, I can't, because I didn't. I mean, I did make cupcakes from scratch, but they all ended up burning somehow. I'm gonna go ahead and say that it was my oven's fault. It clearly runs hotter than Georgia's oven, and failed to inform me of this crucial piece of information, which led to me taking out  the cupcakes when the timer went off, and not when the cupcakes were actually ready. Ah well, you live and you learn.

You know what else I learned? I learned that no matter how many pull-apart cupcake cake tutorials you watch on Youtube, it really doesn't fully prepare you for the first time you make one. There were so many times that I seriously just wanted to give up because things weren't going as smoothly as I had envisioned, starting with the frosting. They make it look so easy to smooth out your frosting, but in reality, it's one of the hardest things about making the cake! I guess it helps to have all your cupcakes baked evenly, without any domed tops, but mine weren't, so that's probably why I had such a hard time.

Once your frosting is smoothed out, and you have a good base layer to work with, it's all designs and decorations from there. That part is definitely less stressful. Honestly though, I think this flower bouquet is actually a pretty good starter cake if it's your first time making a pull apart cake; it's easy to arrange the cupcakes into flowers and once you've got that down, you can be creative in terms of how you want the flowers to look like. That's one of the reasons why cupcake cakes are so popular; they offer lots of options for creativity. That, and there's no need for any knives or forks. Kids can serve themselves by simply pulling apart the cupcake they want; no stress, no mess.

Oh, and did I mention that each cupcake has a very generous amount of frosting? Adults can serve themselves too ya know :)

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  1. Thanks for sharing this! It's such a brilliant idea for a kid party! Can't wait to try it out!

  2. salaamm hey! idk how i came across this blog i jus google searched algerian sweets nj becuase someone was tellin me abut algerian sweets in nj! lol i think i know who owns this blog 0_0 btw its an awesome blog n ima learn how to cook/bake from it!

  3. Huda! Hey! Yes, I think I know who owns this blog, it is I :) I'm so glad you like it :D

  4. The frosting in the middle of the flowers looks like a dog turd...just saying.


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