Hey y'all! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend :D There's no new recipe today, but I do have some pretty darn cute cupcakes to share with you that I made over the weekend, so I'm not leaving you completely high and dry :P
If you're a regular around here, then you know that I am slightly obsessed with making cupcakes. I get super excited whenever I hear about any upcoming parties or occasions because that gives me a legitimate excuse to make them. Even if people don't want them and have more than enough dessert to feed their crowd, I will still bring cupcakes. Cause that's just my thing.
Anyways, one of my good friends had a baby shower* this weekend and contrary to the many other baby showers I've attended, this one had a theme! Which obviously, I was super pumped to hear because this meant I could try something new with my cupcakes! Now the theme, which you've probably already guessed from my subtle post title, was trains. But it dawned on me after a quick Google search, that most train themed cupcakes are decorated with fondant. And I don't really know fondant all like that, so I wouldn't be able to take that route.
Still, I needed to get a train on these cupcakes. So, I referred to the always reliable, always craftsy Etsy.com for train cupcake toppers, which would be the next best thing. I ended up finding exactly what I was looking for AND they even almost perfectly matched the invitation! I was one happy camper to say the least.
So happy, that I decided to go ahead and buy a cupcake stand! Okay, the 50% off coupon from Michaels was more the incentive there, but still, I was really excited about finding the perfect toppers for the cupcake, so I went the extra mile and bought a beautiful stand to display them. (Shoutout to Wilton!)
On the day of the baby shower, everything just fell into place. The weather was great(yay for Fall!). The cupcakes got there in one piece. The kids patiently waited for dessert time to attack the cupcakes, though they did have the playground to distract them. And most importantly, the baby mama was all smiles upon seeing the cupcakes! That, ladies and gentlemen, is my favorite part about this "job" :D
P.S. Just in case anyone's wondering, the cupcakes were half white, half chocolate, and I made a simple buttercream frosting for both of them, and used a Wilton tip 1M to pipe the swirl!
*When I say baby shower, 90% of the time I mean aqiqa, which is the Islamic celebration of the birth of a new baby. It's easier and less confusing to just say baby shower...but now you know! :)
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